TeleMediCare 2024

We are sharing invitation to TeleMediCare ‘24 (Tele-Medicine & Tele-Care) Conference For International Cooperation on Global Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. This year event will also include:

  • XVIII Seminario Nazionale (Italian National Workshop) Dall’Ospedale al Territorio, ruolo dei Poliambulatori specialistici, Case della Salute, Medicna di Base nelle Prevenzione, Monitoraggi sanitari e Riabilitazione, Campagna e Giornate di Prevenzione e Salute.
  • XIV – International Workshop for Elderly People, Chronic Diseases, Fragility and Disability, Biosensors, IoT, Robotics, Telemonitoring, Telerehabilitation, AAL-Ambient Assisted Living.

Even is organized in form of On-Site and On-Line Meetings, on October 2-3 2024, at Città di Desio-MBm / Desio City. Last CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline is September 1st 2024.


EMMIT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I am proud to invite you to the Mediterranean Meeting of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine (EMMIT 2024). This year, its 20th edition, will be held September 13-14 in Sicily at the municipality of Raffadali-Agrigento in on-site and online mode, during the pistachio festival and as part of the Med Inclusion Week. Conference program is attached [1].

The title given this year is Artificial lntelligence, One Health and Digital Health, applied in particular to the prevention, control, telemonitoring and telerehabilitation of chronic diseases and to the prediction of diagnostic and therapeutic developments of pathologies.

The meeting is freely open to members of GIAM [2], the Italian Group of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and to the Euro-Mediterranean members of EMMIT [3]. At the end of each session, national of Guam, and international of EMMIT, on September 13th in the afternoon, we will hold assemblies to discuss future initiatives and projects and renew the organizational and scientific Board. If you wish, old and new affiliates may participate, in good standing by early September with the membership, see attached membership forms to its scientific communities.

Hoping for participation, I send
Kind regards
Francesco Sicurello
President Iitm/Emmit

[1] EMMIT 2024 Conference Program.
[2] GIAM Membership Form.
[3] EMMIT 2024 Membership Form.

SSMHe24: Smart & Mobile Health, BioSensors, Medical Devices

Dear Colleagues,
In attachment the fast Call for Papers relating the 11° Workshop SMHe’24 on Biosensors/Medical devices for telemonitoring, therapy, rehabilitation. The meeting will be held in Milan on site (and on line) on January 30-31 2024. Hoping in your interest, receive my Best Regards and greetings for Happy New Year!
Francesco Sicurello

Tecnologie Info-Asistive e riabilitative e One Health e Digital Health 2023

Gentile Collega,

anche quest’anno avrà luogo la 2 Edizione della Settimana Mediterranea inclusiva (Med Inclusion Week), il 10-17 settembre 2023 in Provincia di Agrigento (Sicilia), Porta del Mediterraneo e Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2025 (tra monti Sicani, valle del Platani, Sagra del Pistacchio e valle dei Templi).

Nell’ambito di tale settimana si terranno due workshop scientifici (in attach la call for paper dei due eventi):

  • Uno, il 15 settembre 2023, presso il Comune di Bivona su Tecnologie Info-Assistive, Biosensori, Terapie digitali e Teleriabilitazione.
  • E l’altro, il 16 Settembre, nel Comune di Raffadali (durante la Sagra del Pistacchio) sul tema della One Health, Digital Health, Telemedicina.

La partecipazione ai workshop è gratuita per i soci @itim ed EMMIT e per i sostenitori dell’Osservatorio OTive (Tecnologie Inclusive, Assistive, Riabilitative, Rigenerative) o della piattaforma CeliachiaNet (per maggiori informazioni contattare la segreteria).

Sperando nella partecipazione in presenza o a distanza e/o anche con contributo scientifico, invio

Cari saluti
Francesco Sicurello

Se può interessare si allega anche la brochure del master ASIDIR presso l’Università di Milano Bicocca per il prossimo Anno Accademico 2023-24



The eGheH’23 XX International Conference organized by Associazione Italiana di Telemedicina
ed Informatica Medica and will take place in Ospedale Pio XI Desio/Monza-Brianza (Italy) on-site/on-line meeting on July 10, 2023. Call for papers deadline is June 27, 2023. Register at segreteria@iitm.International.

Conference is dedicated to e-government & e-health, climate changing, environmental disasters, war and post covid-19 pandemic digitalization of public administraton and health service, one digital health, epidemiology, telemedicine. Following sessions will take place:

  • electronic documents, digital access and participation
  • electronic signature / electronic identity cards
  • biometrics, cryptography and security
  • gdpr, data protection, privacy and legislation for digital society
  • empowerment and engagement of citizen
  • smart cards in p.A. And health services
  • data bases and data banks in social health, medicine and epidemiology
  • local, regional and national information systems in pa and healthcare
  • internet services and web sites and portals
  • government and health 2.0
  • smart working and e-learning
  • apps and mobile health
  • smart and social media, sensors, networks and smart city
  • iot, big data management and data analysis
  • grid and cloud computing in pa and healthcare
  • business intelligence in government and healthcare organizations
  • ontology in health care and pa systems
  • digital divide and international cooperation on ICT
  • applications in government and health administrations
  • data analytics and statistical software in medicine and epidemioly
  • epidemiology, prevention, monitoring and sourvelliance of health risks

Smart Media and Mobile Health 2023

Dear Colleagues,

For the next Year 2023, as IITM and International Medical Informatics and Telemedicine community, we are planning to prepare and organize workshops, tutorials, courses, masters, winter/summer schools, conferences and meetings in the field of ICT in medicine,
e-Health, telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, etc.

The first workshop-tutorial is SMMHe ’23 (Smart Media and Mobile Health) on January 30-31, 2023 (on line-on site modality) in Milan.

Hoping in your interest (on request some days before the events we send the link for accessing to the webinar).

Best Regards and Happy New Year 2023,
Francesco Sicurello

eTELEMED 2023, Venice / Italy

eTELEMED 2023, The Fifteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine is scheduled to be April 24 – 28, 2023 in Venice, Italy under the DigitalWorld 2023 umbrella. Submission (full paper) deadline extended to February 1, 2023. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals. All events will be held in a hybrid mode: on site, prerecorded videos, voiced presentation slides, pdf slides.

Czytaj dalej

NeuroSpine 2022, Bologna / Italy

This year NeuroSpine International Workshop focusing on Regeneration & Rehabilitation in Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries will take place onsite and online at University of Bologna, Italy, on December 2-3th 2022. Hoping your interest, please see the attachment for details
Best regards,
Francesco Sicurello

TelemeMediCare 2022

In attach the program of TeleMediCare Workshop on next October 4th 2022 in hybrid modality, on site and on line. Hoping in your interest and participation,
Francesco Sicurello

Meeting links:

  1. 4/10/2022 – Morning:
  2. 4/10/2022 – Afternoon:

Smart Hospital and Mobile Health 2021

Dear Colleagues,

In attach the final program of the webinar on Smart Hospital and Mobile
Health for next March 12-13 [download].

The workshop is open and free. It is also a part of several events for
continuing and updating education of the IMIT/EMMIT community (in attach
for interested persons the membership Adesion form for this 2021 year [download]).

Hoping in your interest, receive my
Best regards
Francesco Sicurello